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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Going Pro: Did I Pass The PGM Qualifying Test? - Episode 03

Day one of PGA training actually beings when you pass the PGM Qualifying Test. It's a three part test that covers the Constitution, History and Rules of the PGA. The big question is, was I able to pass it on the first try or not?

Watch the video and see how things went.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Going Pro: Becoming A PGA Golf Professional - Episode 02

The first step to becoming an PGA Apprentice is the PGM Qualifying Test. While I've been in position for 2 months now, this is the first official step I'm taking in the PGA Professional Golf Management Program. My qualifying test is slated for early tomorrow and it is made up of a 70 question test that covers the program, the history of the PGA and the rules of golf. While I'm not really nervous, I'm a bit anxious. Hopefully it all goes well and I will have a great report back in the next episode.

If you have any questions about the PGM program, leave them in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Golf Thoughts: What Is A Scratch Golfer?

As if there is nothing better to talk about in golf, I found myself listening into a debate in the cafe at my course that made me chuckle, then become concerned. This table of gentlemen was discussing the actual qualifications for being a "scratch golfer" and if you could really be a scratch player if you didn't play the courses from the tips.

Now, I have my own thoughts on this matter, but I would love to hear your's in the comments below!

What is a "scratch": golfer to you?

Golf Fitness: The Journey To 100 - The Reboot - Week 45

Week 45 is in the books and another small loss. The losses are slower, but they are still losses. Given the crazy schedule that I am on now, I'll take them and smile. Here are the numbers for the week.

Starting Weight: 318.6 pounds
Current Weight: 241.6 pounds
Total Loss: 77 pounds

Let's keep that momentum moving forward. Also, I haven't forgotten my "Oncore Golf Elixr Giveaway" for when I reach 100 subs! Make sure to share this channel and subscribe below so I can give those balls away!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Going Pro: Becoming A PGA Golf Professional - Episode 01

And so it begins. This journey, no, epic tale of a man and a dream that wouldn't die. Yes, rising like a phoenix from the ashes, and beginning... This is sounding way to silly to continue.

But, my PGA PMG Training is officially underway and this is a quick 5 minute introduction on what to expect over the next few months to years. Starting with a qualifier test and a playing ability test and ultimately ending with an election to the PGA of America, this is Going Pro.

Follow along as I take you through the process of getting my PGA Certificate and becoming a Class A Professional.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Golf Fitness - The Journey To 100 - The Reboot - Week 44

I know, it's been far too long since I've had a Journey To 100 Update, but I've been a bit busy. As many of you may remember, in April, I accepted a new role in the golfing industry and have started down the path to becoming an official member of the PGA of America. This will be a long and winding road and it is definitely taking up far more of my "free time" than I expected it to. So much so, I hadn't really noticed it had been almost a full month since I updated The Journey To 100.

Still, keeping on track with Keto has proven to be a bit easier than I thought. I do think the relatively long days (I'm up at 5 AM and in bed by 11 PM most nights) are slowing my progress, but the goal is to keep plugging away and keep getting those "non-scale victories" every day. Now, before I ruin the next video series that I'm trying to start, here is a look at the Week 44 numbers.

Starting Weight: 318.6
This Week: 242.0
Total Loss: 76.6

A 2.6 pound loss for the last four weeks is nothing to be upset about. Again, the long days and crazy schedule are definitely not helping things, but progress is progress. I'm hopeful that I can make a few changes to my eating habits over the next few weeks to speed up the drop a bit again, but it will just take a bit of time to get the right foods at the right times going forward. For now, I'll enjoy the little losses and the bigger gains - like being able to carry my bag again without feeling any back pain or being worn out after just a few holes.

Again, thank you once again for following along on my journey and I promise I will try and get more frequent updates posted soon.