One of the most common questions I get asked on a regular basis is, “Why do you play old clubs?” Well, I’m usually very direct in answering this one, then quick to follow up with a question of my own to them. I play old clubs because I hit them very well, they feel great in hand and most importantly, I have the confidence in them to hit any shot I need at any time I need it to happen. After spouting off this quick reply, I usually follow up with, “How many shots did your new clubs shave off your last round?”
A lack of confidence in their current set of clubs is why most people get on the new gear bandwagon. They remember those rounds last year where they could have shaved a stroke off 5, or hit it just a bit closer on 16 and saved their round. What they seem to forget is that an extra hour of putting practice with that old putter may have made the putt on 2 so they didn’t need to shave that stroke later in the round.
Changing out gear and trying new stuff is always fun, but don’t ever expect to get better by just changing out your clubs, balls or shoes. The biggest reason why those new clubs hit the ball better is because you think you can hit them better. You go to the range more to get used to them. You spent a lot of money on them so they need to work better than your old ones. Confidence goes a long way to pulling off a shot on the course and that should be the goal of your next set of clubs. Whether they come from a thrift store rack or a custom club fitting, confidence is where the game is won and strokes are shaved off the card.
As for me, I’ll keep hitting these or another similar set Wilson irons until the heads have nothing left on them. Sure, I’ll reshaft them someday and probably have to re-groove and sandblast the faces again, but they are worth the effort to keep knocking 7 irons stiff from 165. Now, go get your clubs and get out to enjoy a nice round.
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