So today is a happy day. Today my final piece arrived to finish my 2017 competition bag. With the addition of the new 56°and 60° Wilson Staff PMP Tour Grind Wedges, along with the FG Tour 100 irons, I found myself with a pretty wicked gapping issue between my 47° pitching wedge and the 56° sand wedge. Actually, the nearly 50 yard gap was a bit more than wicked, but that’s the best word I could come up with to explain it without getting too crazy. But back to the story, today, my customized 51° PMP style gap wedge arrived. The 51° wedge is a bit different than the other PMP wedges that I have in my bag as they feature the tour grind specifications, but the customized bend on the 50°/08° wedge should fill the gap perfectly in the 120-125 yard range.
So, this should make my Sunday round even more interesting this week. New irons, wedges and a 2 round old putter… This is going to be fun!
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