Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stroke Saver: Are You Too Worried About Your Balls?


They are plastered everywhere, “We make the best ball for your game!” “The number one ball on tour.” “More spin, softer feel!” “The marketing folks are in full force when it comes to golf balls, but honestly, if you don’t hit the ball like a tour pro, what makes anyone think playing the same ball is going to help you out much? Sure, technology has come a long ways and it’s no longer impossible to dial in your game for $20-50 a dozen, but honestly, if you hit more balls into the trees than you do the hole every round, should you really worry about what kind of ball you hit out there? Fortunately, it’s not a one ball fits all world, and here are some amazing lower cost options and who they might benefit the most.


First off, for the slower swing speed folks out there, I present one of my personal favorites from testing last year – the OnCore Golf Avant. At $20 a dozen it doesn’t break the bank, but it performs extremely well. It features a 65 compression rating and a 2 piece construction. This is designed maximize distance and provide lower spin off the driver. Now, finding a distance ball is as easy as finding a dozen balls while you search for that brand new Pro V that you sliced into the woods, but finding one that performs as well as the Avant does around the greens is next to impossible. That said, this ball is designed for a bit slower swing speeds than the 100 MPH range, so be realistic about your swing speeds, and you’ll find yourself loving this ball.

Order the OnCore Avant Online


The Wilson Staff Zip was my runaway favorite of last season. Not only was it long and straight off the tee, but it also felt like butter coming off my wedges and short irons. The higher launch with straight drop made it simple for me to target flagsticks without the worry of the ball bouncing over the green or, even worse, spinning back off the front side. The Zip is an ultra-affordable ball at just $25 for two dozen, with even better deals to be found if you search. The Zip provides harder swingers with a great option for distance with a solid, but softer feel near the greens. If you are a harder swinger, I would greatly recommend giving the Zips a shot.

Order the Wilson Staff Zip Online

There are also a bevy of other great value balls on the market today. I would recommend getting sleeves locally of the balls you want to try and taking them out for an actual 9 hole round. See how it plays and what they do to your distance. Once you have narrowed it down to the right ball, get a dozen for a few rounds and try them out. Again, if you are one that loses quite a few balls a round, try reloads or a lower end ball until you get them under control a bit more. Balls are one of the cheapest pieces of equipment you will buy, but only if you don’t lost a half dozen per round.

Do you have a favorite ball? If so, let me know in the comments below!

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