Thursday, April 26, 2018

2018 Competition Season: Rebooting That First Tournament Start


Many of you know that 2018 is my first year back in tournament golf in quite sometime. Unfortunately, the season has been a bit of a bust so far for me. After missing out on my first scheduled tournament of the year due to a scheduling error, I was all set to make my first reboot for the start of the season last weekend at Willows Run in Redmond. Unfortunately, that plan did not come together for me, and honestly, it's going to be a struggle to make anything happen before mid-May at this point.

So, a quick plan of my season schedule looked something like this:

  • April 14 - Harbour Pointe Golf Club
  • April 21 - Willow's Run (Eagle's Talon Course)
  • May 5 - Riverbend Golf Complex
  • May 19 - Redmond Ridge
  • June 16 - Willow's Run (Coyote Creek Course)
  • June 23 - Cedarcrest Golf Course
  • July 21 - The Golf Club at Echo Falls
  • August 18 - Snohomish Golf Course
  • October 27 - The Golf Club At New Castle

As the dates got closer, I missed registering for Harbour Pointe while we were on spring break. I totally missed the fact that I had to have my entry in on Sunday for that tournament, and felt pretty silly about missing it. From there, I was pretty excited to get entered into the tournament at Willow's Run on the 21st. On the 12th, I was given a bit of bad news, not horribly-terrible news, but something that required a bit more focus in the short term than worrying about getting a tournament round of golf in prior to everything happening. So, on the 27th, I'm going in to have a procedure on my leg to help with some circulation problems that date back nearly 25 years.

So, Washington National would have been the 28th, which after missing the first two of the year, would have been a nice opener. With this all happening the day before, that's not going to be possible. I may be back up on my feet and able to play by the 5th at Riverbend, but it's also my daughter's last dance competition of the year - so that is a last minute, depending on how I feel and how my game feels - decision. At this point in time, I believe that I will be missing out on my third scheduled event for the year, but stay tuned.

From there, Redmond Ridge is right on the radar for mid-May. We have a ballet recital to attend that day, which again pits family time against golf time, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. At this point in time, it's almost feasible to think that the June 16th tournament at Willow's Run may be the first of the year for me. I'm not excited about losing half of my season, but it still puts me in the wheel house of a few of the major tournaments for the summer - if I can get more practice time in between now and then.

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