No video this week as this is really just a launch into the first week of my efforts to drop a bit more weight and get back to where I was during The Reboot. I ended up that portion of The Journey just over 240 pounds last April(ish) and slowly drifted around 250-260 over the last year. The rough schedule and lack of monitoring what I was eating did take a bit of a toll on me, so the continuation that has started is more about getting back down to where I should be, not where I am.
There's some good news and bad news this week. The bad news is that I weighed myself the first day of The Continuation and I thought I was at 261, but I was actually a touch over 265. So there's an ugly start to this whole thing as I thought I only had 46 pounds to reach my old playing weight of 215, but it's really 50. That's just fine though, it's nothing but a number and it's already starting to fade, and that's where this week starts. Moving on to the better news, today I am down almost 2 pounds to 263.2 for the week. Again, a bit of a bummer since I thought I was going to make it back into the 50's this week, but it's a negative number and not a bad one for getting back on track.
The Journey To 100 Continues: Week 1
Starting Weight: 265.4
Current Weight: 263.2
Goal Weight: 215.0
Left To Go: 48.2 pounds
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