Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Golf Fitness–The Journey To 100–The Reboot - Week 5


Here I am, ready for a bad weigh in week since we spent 4 days of this week on the road in Seaside, OR. Even though I stuck fairly well to the plan, I’m sure that I am up do to the increased amount of vegetables and salads that I had. Still, this has to be done, so here we go. Last week, I came in at 293 pounds, officially crossing the 25 pound mark. That was the day that we left for Seaside. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday were loaded with days of restaurant food and relaxing. While I tried hard to eat bunless burgers or steaks, the side dishes were definitely challenging. I also avoided the candy and ice cream completely – yeah me! So, how bad was it with all that “dining out” for the week? Well, officially this morning, I weighed in at 292.4, or a loss of .6 for the week.  Now, normally, I’d be pretty torqued with a half pound loss for the week, but after a vacation? I couldn’t be happier. During the last Journey, we took a 4 day vacation to Cama Beach and I gained 10 pounds – and that was without restaurant food!


Now for the crazy stats. My calories on average were up to 1557 per day for the week. I seemed to have done a good job of mixing my macros as I came in with a 75%/18%/7% ratio of Fats/Proteins/Carbs. The new stat that jumped out at me the most was the nutrient report. I saw a number on there that made me laugh so bad that I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. There is a line item on there for grams of sugar consumed for the week. Mine said 39g. At first I was shocked that I had 39g of sugar in a week since I’ve been trying so hard not to have any at all. Then I looked up a point of reference – a Snickers bar. That one, single candy bar has 47g of sugar in it. A can of Coke as 40.5 grams. What started as panic, turned into a laugh as I realized that I was having roughly a teaspoon of sugar a day, total. My lesson for the week was complete. My sugar intake is way down, my fats are up and this Keto thing even works while out and about if you pay attention. So, off to week 6 and seeing if I can peel off some of the lag from vacation here and drop a bit of extra this week.

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