Monday, February 26, 2018

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100–Week 3


Ack! How the time gets away from me on Monday's! I can't believe that it's already the end of week three and I'm already a few days into week 4. Still, I must give my weekly update (based on Monday which is when I changed the posting date to) to keep myself on track here. Plus, I'm really enjoying sharing the success I'm having, even if it's starting to slow down. Let me just get straight to the point though.

Week two ended with me coming in at 297.6. That was a total loss of 26.4 pounds since the journey began. I stuck to things pretty well this week as well, and reached a low of 292.6 before creeping back up to 295.2. There were a few meals out last week that were unplanned and that led to an up and down week. I also think my scale has a pretty serious issue going on, so I'm about to get a new one and 'calibrate' my loss to that one to see if it starts to make a difference. The one I am using now used to have the same measurement constantly. I could get on it 5 times and see a .2 pound difference over the 5 weigh in's. Now, I can get on it 5 times and see a 5-6 pound swing pretty easily. I hoped it was the batteries going, but that didn't seem to help. 

So, to wrap up week number 3, I ended up being down another 2.4 pounds. That brings me to 28.8 pounds total and making good headway to 100. I should hit 294 this week and clear the 30 pound mark and be good to go from there. We will see what the new scale says when I get it, and I need to make sure to keep the water intake up and the calorie intake down. I also need to watch the sodium levels of what I eat as the two days where I had some “out foods” I did just fine on the calories, but really terrible on the sodium levels. I guess I have to live and learn on this one. Also, I need to get going on that exercise bike. It’s time to start putting in a bit more effort on dropping this stuff before it becomes stubborn.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Five Golfing Websites That You Should Bookmark


If you’re a golfer, chances are you’ve already found so many sites on the internet that your head is probably spinning. Over the last few years, I’ve found a few gems that I think are completely worth following and saving to look at regularly. I’ve broken them into five categories below, along with my favorite and a few others you should take a look at before letting my favorite have a place in your daily schedule. If you have any others that didn’t make the list, make sure to leave them in the comments below. Besides this site, here are my four favorite sites for entertaining myself when I can’t go out and play, or when I need something at a great price.


Best Equipment Site: Budget Golf -

For some strange reason, this online store seems to have deals on things that nobody else does. Many of the ‘steals’ are on last year’s models, but when you can pay $300 for a set of irons that were $1000 a month ago, there’s something to be said for sticking with last year’s front runners. Probably the only draw back to buying off the rack stuff from last year is the fact that it won’t be custom fit for you. Still, if you need some new tech, balls or just about anything else, Budget Golf has you covered for pretty amazing pricing.

Honorable Mention: Rock Bottom Golf -  -  Edwin Watts –  - 


Best Instruction Site: Mark Crossfield (4golfonline) -

Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t a billion instructional sites that are good out there, because there are, but Mr. Crossfield is the first “coach” that I’ve seen that works the issues backwards from fix to correction. What I mean by this is that he starts by fixing the shot, which usually leads to an over correction, and then he comes back to the root of the problem to fix the actual cause. He’s funny, brilliant and quite frankly, one of the most entertaining golf personalities around. His course Vlogs are hilarious. His instruction is simplistic, yet effective. His opinions, well are very well guided to say the least. Best of all, he’s nominated as a best vlogger as well. So, check him out and see what he can do for your game in just a few videos.

Honorable Mention: Rick Shiels -  -  Me and My Golf -  -  Dan Whittaker -  -  Peter Finch -  -  PGA Golf Academy (YouTube) - 


Best Online Statistics Tracker: Golf Pad GPS

I’ve been personally using Golf Pad for two seasons now. While it isn’t the flashiest or most in depth option available today, it does give the average player plenty to work with – and does so for just $20 a year. 


Most Entertaining Golf Vlog: Mark Crossfield (4golfonline) -

Mark is making his second appearance on this list, mainly due to the fact that he is playing online game at a level that most others could only dream of. I have to admit that Rick Shiels was a very, very, very close second on this one, but the fact that he spends huge chunks of his channel on reviews and then chunks playing and then a few instructional videos, just leaves me wishing that he would spread out the content like Crossfield does. Crossfield has set days where he releases course vlogs, then instructional videos, then his daily vlogs… He keeps the content rotating and it never gets too heavy in one direction or another. But this is all about the course vlog and there is nothing better than watching a few low handicappers hack their way around some of the best courses in the world. They are hilarious, fun and make up for not having access to something like the Golf Channel or other outlets for watching regular tour golf.

Honorable Mention: Rick Shiels -  -  Peter Finch -  -  ImproveMyGolf -  -  Golfholics -

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100–Week 2


Week #2 on my Journey To 100 is now in the books. Overall, it has been a great week, though I was up slightly on my weigh in this morning. I want to keep everyone up to date on my progress, but I don’t know if I will get quite as in-depth with the play by play as I did in week one. If you want me to, you can let me know in the comments below if you are interested in knowing more about the diet and calorie intake or not.

Week 2 began with me hitting 302.6 on the scale and a drop of about 21.4 pounds on the first week of my journey. I was more than happy with my loss in week one, and more than happy is a complete understatement. I knew that the pace I was on would not continue, but I was hopeful that I would be able to drop at least 4 pounds in week two. I was really hoping to see that magical 25 pound mark at the end of the second week.

My first weigh in for the week pinned me at 301.8, or down .6 pounds. Day two showed another .6 pounds, dropping me to 301.2. That first little goal of seeing a “2” as the first number in my weight was right around the corner. Day three continued the sub-one pound losses with a .8 pound loss and a weight of 300.4 pounds. From there, it was only a matter of time before true happiness happened and I hit that stop along the way to 100 pounds.

As day four rolled around, the scale finally fell below that 300 down to 299.6. First goal down, and only a half pound from a full 25 pounds in 12 days. Day five saw me drop an additional 2.2 pounds down to 297.4. Day six then pushed me down even further to 296.6, bringing my total to 27.4 pounds in just under two weeks.

Yesterday was a tougher day for me as we were out and about from breakfast time onward. I was good with the calorie intake, but I had far too much sodium in my Jack in the Box salad and Ikea soup and salad combo. This spiked me up a pound this morning to 297.6, but kept me from seeing 300 again! It’s a positive week. Week 2 ends up with a 4.6 pound drop and puts me at a total of 26.4 pounds total. Week 3 is coming up and I’ll be hitting things pretty hard again as I’m back to work tomorrow and back on the normal program.

Advertising Links for the products that are helping me lose my weight are listed below – these are paid affiliate links.

SlimFast Milk Choclate ShakesAmazon Prime Pantry

SlimFast French Vanilla ShakesAmazon Prime Pantry

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ready For An OnCore!

I’m so ready for an OnCore. No, not an encore, but an OnCore, like the golf ball. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to test out the OnCore golf Avant and Caliber in 2016 and was really impressed with them. While neither one fit my swing and performance needs perfectly, it was obvious that OnCore golf knew what they were doing with those balls. The Avant, their distance ball, was extremely playable for a “rock ball” which is typically what I call a distance ball. The Caliber was nice as well, but I just felt that it was a bit off for me.

In early 2017, OnCore finally released the ELIXR, their softer covered, higher spin ball that would rival the best of the best on the market. The good part of the ELIXR is that the price point had it pinned at a 3 dozen to 2 dozen ratio with all the other “tour balls” on the market. To say the least I was intrigued by the new offering. Unfortunately, 2017 flew past me with home buying, dance competitions and just life in general and I didn’t get a chance to test out the new ball. 2018 I starting out a bit different as I won an 18Birdies App giveaway of the ELIXR and have the box in hand ready to go on my next round of golf.

Now to be honest, I won’t be able to get a serious look at the ball until we get some drier weather in the Seattle area, but I have to say, after testing out the Snell Golf MTB again in my last round and shooting a 65 with it, I’m more than excited to get the OnCore ELIXR out there to see what it will do. If it plays anything like the Snell, I should see my driver yardage up about 20 yards over my standard Wilson Zip (about 10 yards over the Wilson Duo) and much better stopping power on the greens. Let me leave it at that for now, and stay tuned for the play by play of my next round with the OnCore ELIXR.

Find out more about the OnCore ELIXR at

Monday, February 12, 2018

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100


As you take two seconds to glance over at my smiling face, you can tell that fitness hasn't been a concern of mine for quite some time. In fact, my last major "fitness goal" that I had on the books came nearly 7 years ago when I started riding road bikes to ride from Seattle to Portland after a challenge from a friend. Well, that was long ago and far away, but the last time I was actually in shape, the second Bush was in office and Bad Day was rocking the Billboard Music Charts. I tipped the scales at a low of 190 pounds that summer and was playing golf once or twice a week. 2006 was a long time ago, and life has done everything it can to get in my way between now and then, but last week started a new commitment to getting back to a being a bit healthier. Here's my week one recap.

Working out isn't a huge option for me right now. Being upwards of 300 pounds really limits what you can and can't do as far as gym activities go, but the first step is reeling in the nutrition aspect of my life. I began using the FatSecret App on my phone last summer when I made my umpteenth stab at getting healthy in the last 2 years. It worked so well for the week that I tried it that I kept it in my memory banks. As I started back on this journey, it was easy to pick it back up and start rolling with it.

The App tracks food intake, calories, and has a social community that is building each other up on their weight loss journeys. If there is something that works, it's seeing positive reinforcement from other people who are doing what you are doing. Think of it as playing 2 shots better than you ever have before and having your playing partners comment all round long about how well you are putting and how sharp your approach shots look. It really builds your confidence and keeps your focus going to try and do even more with the next shot. It's the same thing here. Losing weight is like a round where not everything clicks. Some times the scale goes up - you hit a shank, but sometimes the scale drops more than you expect - like hitting a green from the trees. It's not a pretty thing, but it's the truth.


So, here's where this gets really personal and I hope you (or anyone that this gets shared with) can find it helpful. If you are 10 pounds overweight or 100 pounds overweight, it all starts with small changes. My 2018 reboot of my "getting in shape" plan, I officially started the process last Monday morning. On February 5th, I woke up to a scale that read 324.0 pounds. Not a number that made me happy at all. Actually, in all honesty, it was about 20 pounds more than I thought it would be. My Goal in this was to lose 100 pounds to reach a weight of 200 pounds. Seeing that number made me move the needle to 225 for a primary goal, with a secondary goal of coming in for the last 25 pounds to come down to 200 even. This is just the beginning stages though, so let's not put the cart before the horse.

The Beginning: 324 pounds. Again, not what I was expecting, but not the most horrible news on the planet. At least I haven't had a stroke or something debilitating happen to me yet. Let's get this party rolling before something does. I decided to start off with a similar approach to my 2006 successful run with using Slim-Fast style shakes as a supplement to a big calorie cut. My target intake is 1800 per day, but I'm more concerned with the quality of those calories than the quantity at this point. For those wondering, no, I don't think the shakes do anything to help me lose weight, nor do I think they suppress hunger, but what they do offer is a great way to get needed vitamins and minerals that may not be included in what I'm eating. In other words, they offer a nice balance of nutrients for when I cut them out from not eating so many calories.

Day One: 314.2 pounds. Yep, there goes that water weight… I really hate the first day of a diet. You get that huge drop from your body reacting to water weight and having to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Eventually, everything starts to calm down, but there is always day two. The scale showed a nice 9.8 pound drop today and that was after a 1400 calorie day that included a shake and a banana for breakfast; a shake and ham for lunch; and a dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes and salad. It was a good day one start, and maybe tomorrow will go almost as well. Hopefully that water drop won’t come back on day three.

Day Two: 310.8 pounds. Well, that was fun. I managed to rally another 3.4 pound drop today. It was good to see the progress even after a huge day two. I kept on track with a 1500 calorie day that included 2 shakes; ham and eggs for breakfast, ham, sweet peppers and celery for lunch; and then a hamburger patty, a few fries (since when is 18 fries a serving???) and some cooked green cabbage. I am working hard on tracking what goes in and out so I can get adjusted properly and watch what trigger foods set me up for bad days.

Day Three: 308.4 pounds. Well this is getting good isn’t it? It’s the third day and I’m down 15+ pounds already. At this pace, I should be done by the end of the month. Well, I know it won’t keep up at this breakneck speed, but I’m very happy with how it’s going so far. I kept on going with the shake and eggs today, but added a few slices of pepperoni instead of ham for breakfast; for lunch, I had chicken breast, mini peppers, dill pickles and a shake; and dinner was a Taco Time “Fit Hit Bowl” and a cup of corn chowder. Again 1300 calories and a very solid feeling day in the loss department.

Day Four: 306.8 pounds. Hitting the scale today was actually a bit of a gamble. I knew I made a good calorie choice for dinner, but I was worried about the salt content leaving me up for the day. Instead, it was another 1.4 pound drop. Bonus! I kept on keeping on with the solid breakfast of 2 eggs, but tried mixing in the chicken breast instead and it was a nice flavor change. Keeping it interesting keeps things moving forward, right? It’s also worth noting at this point, I’m only taking in about 200 calories at 6 AM, then having the 200 calorie shake at 8 AM after I’ve been at work for a bit. I count that as breakfast, but it’s really breakfast and a snack. This passes me easily till noon where lunch kicked in again with more of the oven roasted chicken, some sweet red pepper, the left over cabbage from burger night and a shake. Dinner was an awesome adventure of flavors also with a burger patty, a cooked mashed potato patty and a veggie mix of Brussel Sprouts, onion and mushrooms. All in all, I pushed in just over 1700 calories for the day, but they were good, clean calories. I’m feeling good about this week.

Day Five: 304.6 pounds. Clean eating is paying off. Another 2.2 pounds gone. I had so much fun with the eggs and chicken yesterday, I did it again today. Had the shake at work and then had a nice lunch of chicken, sweet peppers and another shake. The day was going well, but then came the news of – we needed to go to the mall to get a present for someone. Uh oh… I quickly searched for good eats and found Panda Express would be the best option. I actually got more food than I needed and kept the total calories under 700 for the entire meal. I skipped out on the rice and went with the mixed vegetables. I stayed way from the fried bases like Kung Pao Chicken and went with broccoli beef. I had some mushroom chicken and black pepper chicken to finish it up – and again, it was more food than I needed. The funny part, it was fewer calories than the fried rice and an 1/4 serving of what I was getting the week before when I’d head out to dinner. The day finished up at just under 1600 calories and I felt fantastic about my choices.

Day Six: 303.8 pounds. Not even Panda Express salt could slow down this train! Better not think too hard though, because I have a weekend in front of me now. Kept breakfast consistent with the eggs, but flipped back to the ham for today. I like to cook the ham to give it a crisp like bacon when I can, so that’s a good weekend thing. I skipped the shake this morning because I just didn’t need the extra boost as I slept in a bit. Unfortunately, I was home for lunch. I was hoping to be on the course, but a tweak in my hand kept me off the course this weekend. Instead, lunch was ham, celery sticks and snap peas with a shake. After lunch, we dropped the kiddo off at a birthday party and headed out for a date night. We hit the Asian market for dinner and I had spicy pork with about a cup of rice. It was the largest calorie content meal I had all week, but it was so good. I also was smart and took about half of it home. After dinner we perused Target for about 40 minutes looking for movie snacks. I finally found Oh Snap! products (they are AWESOME) and some Skinny Pop popcorn. I’ll fully admit to sneaking them into the theater, but I still bought a $5 coffee from them so I don’t feel too bad.

Day Seven: 302.6 pounds. Even with a dinner out and a late night movie, I woke up another pound lighter today. Eggs, ham and coffee were on the breakfast menu. The leftovers from dinner were lunch (did I say I saved half of it? It was more like 1/3 I bet…) I added some snap peas and celery sticks for filler. From there, it was off to a party – I was good, just having coffee – and then a quick visit to the south end. It was another dinner out (How did this happen three times in the first week starting this???) at Taco Time where I had my chowder and Fit Hit Bowl again. The day clocked in at just under 1100 calories, which was dangerously low, but I had to make something work being on the road for most of the day. Overall, I’d say it was a good end to the week.

Week One Weigh In: 302.6 pounds. I couldn’t be any happier with how week one went. Hopefully I can keep up the pound plus a day loss for this week before slowing to a more normal couple of pounds a week. I do love seeing the double digit losses for week one though. It’s already starting to feel different, but I can’t wait to clear that first 25 pounds off myself. Make sure to stay tuned next week for the week two update!