Thursday, November 17, 2016

Blog Babble: A Shameless Plug For Essential Oils


A few years ago, my wife got involved with one of those groups that convinces you to purchase some miracle cures for just about anything can be found in a little bottle of liquid. Needless to say, I let her order a few hundred dollars of this stuff just to see what all the hub-bub was about. What arrived was simply amazing. Little tiny bottles of Lavender, Peppermint and Lemon oils. I was immediately online reading about how Lavender oil could be used to make itches go away, provide relief to burns and even help reduce the appearance of scars. I grabbed her little catalog and found a few more that were must haves and ordered those up. Over these last 2 years, our over the counter medicine use has drastically dropped to the point where I pretty much have ibuprofen and DayQuil in my medicine cabinet. Virtually everything else is treaded with a diffuser or a roll on oil mix.

When Plant Therapy offered me the ability to share this content with everyone reading this blog, I felt genuinely excited about it. I mean, honestly, I can barely say how amazing essential oils are and how feeling better can improve not only yourself, but also your golf game. For example, if you are one of those golfers that gets those “neck sunburns” every time you hit the course, that lavender oil sure could help you feel better faster. If you have those muscle aches after your weekend round, the Muscle-Aid Synergy Blend can help ease those pains and get you ready for the next day. If you need a bit of a mental boost before the round, the Energy Synergy Blend is designed to make you more alert and focused. It revitalizes you and gets you ready for a great day.


If you are more of the household user, the cleaning set that is pictured above is an excellent way to eliminate some of the chemical cleaners that aren’t quite so environmentally friendly. By blending some of the oils in this kit together, you can create powerful, earth friendly cleaners for just about anything in your home. Oils aren’t just for cleaning though, using them in a diffuser will help change the mood of a room or even help you relax with just the tap of a button. With the seasonal scents that are offered for diffusing, you can even get away with using a plastic tree while still enjoying smell of a fresh cut pine tree. That’s enough of the home, cleaning and chores talk, let’s get back to how these guys can help your golf game.

As I mentioned above, recovering from sore muscles is simple with Plant Therapy products. The Muscle Aloe Jelly can replace those horrible smelling pain rubs like Icy/Hot and Ben Gay with something that is much more gentle on your body. If you need something with a bit more kick, the Muscle-Aid Synergy Blend can be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or tea tree oil for an even more powerful, longer lasting form of relief.  If your suffering from more of a pre-round energy problem during these dank winter rounds, the Energy Synergy Blend is a great way to get yourself a bit of a boost without sugar or caffeine. Just roll some of the blood orange/peppermint/lemon/ginger mix on your wrist and continue to inhale it before you start your round. If you’re on the flip side to that group and need something to calm the nerves a bit before you hit the first tee box, hitting up that lavandin oil is a great way to go. Just placing a small amount of diluted lavandin on your wrist will allow you to relax and settle in for that first drive, no matter how many people are going to be watching. Just apply it before you leave for the course, and then renew the application as needed throughout your round. The final oil blend that is a great one to have in the bag is the Nature Shield Synergy Blend. This is an all natural blend that will replace those horrible smelling chemicals you carry in your bag to keep the pesky mosquitos and other bugs off you during your round. The best part is, most of these are available in pre-diluted roll-ons that will carry easily in your bag.

Like I said, when all this oil stuff started, I was as skeptical as most, if not more so. Over the last few years though, I’ve become quite a fan. If you think you could benefit from pumping up your energy level naturally or by ditching those smelly chemical recovery ointments, take a quick visit to the Plant Therapy website and get started today. It may be the start of ditching some issues that plague your game – or maybe they will just make you smell a bit better to the others in your group. Either way, it’s a win-win! I want to thank Plant Therapy for allowing me to post this and thank you in advance if you try these products. I make a small commission on each sale that I make through these links, which will help fund more golfing adventures and purchase products for testing. I can’t thank you enough for giving them a try if you choose to do so. Oh, and did I mention that all orders ship for free? Happy holidays everyone!

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