Monday, March 5, 2018

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100 - Week 4


Falling short of a goal. It's something we all do, but it hurts to have to confess to others that we have failed. Fortunately, that's why we have second chances, and third chances, and fourth, and, well you get the idea. This weeks was one such week for me on my journey to lose 100 pounds. As week three ended, I came in at 295.2 pounds, or a total loss of 28.8 pounds since this little session began. As week four ended (or 28 days for those following along at home) I was - gasp - UP. Yes, this morning I was dreading the scale after a weekend away of dance competition. In fact, I almost faked it and "forgot" to weigh in. I knew it was going to be awful. As I climbed on board, fully expecting to see a number starting with a 3, I was almost pleasantly surprised by still seeing a 2 at the front. While I squeaked in with a 299.0 weight, I didn't return to the 300's like I had worried so much about. Let me just tell you a few things about this weekend, then talk to you about how lucky I feel about this number...


Friday afternoon started out with an exit from work at noon, followed by a rapid packing of the van and a quick clean up of the house. We were hitting the road for a two day dance competition in Tacoma! I packed all the good foods I could have on my diet and even scouted out a few good food options for dinner out if we wanted to do so. I was all set. The we hit the road and were off to T-Town for the weekend.

The first night was nice enough with just a nice Panda Express dinner - lots of salt, but no big deal on the calorie count. Especially since I had eaten so well the rest of the day. From there, it was a relaxing evening at the hotel knowing we had a 4:30 AM wake up for competition the next morning. A bit of movies and a few thin mint Oreo's and I was ready for a nap, but for some reason, I didn't sleep until quite a bit later.


Saturday morning arrived early, but I was ready to roll. I made breakfast for the wife and kiddo, but somehow forgot about myself. No problem, it was early and I didn't have to be back stage so I can sneak out to the car and much a bit while they get ready back there. Well, I forgot that part. I just got a cup of coffee at the refreshment stand inside the venue and watched the dancing. About 6 hours later, awards were done and someone mentioned lunch... Then it hit me, I didn't have any food yet and I was beyond hungry. We hit an Asian diner for a quick lunch where I had a pork sandwich (which except for the bread was a good choice) and a walnut and feta salad. Again, not terrible, but then I added an egg roll to it - and that was the end of being good. I held back at the donut shop that became our next stop, only getting one small, tiny, little donut (good job me!!!) and then made it back to the hotel somewhat intact. We met up with a few other dance parents who decided it would be fun to go to dinner - at the Olive Garden...

The Olive Garden, land of mounds of bread, pasta and sauces. Oh man, did I fail miserably here. I ended up getting the 5 cheese sauced, rigatoni with soup and bread. I killed myself and I just didn't care. As I cleared my first bowl of soup (on the plus side, I only had one bread stick with it) they brought me another. Again, the soup was delicious and before a third could arrive, the entrée was served. This ginormous bowl of pasta was more than enough for me - and probably another person, but I just didn't stop eating it until it was gone. Then, another smaller bowl arrived and that one disappeared as well. I then ran for the door before they could hit me with anything else. It was a race to get out of there before any more damage could be done and I made it. Fortunately, there wasn't a scale at the hotel, because that Sunday weigh in would have been TERRIBLE.


Sunday was better, but not much. The day started out with the hotel breakfast of some scrambled eggs, potatoes and 2 little sausages. It was a great start and kept me going for a while. We actually had the food we planned on for lunch that day, heading back to the van for some veggie crackers, pepperoni and trail mix. I also felt the dehydration mode setting in and had a few mini-bottles of Gatorade to fend that off, which were a few calories more than water, but when you screw yourself up too badly, sometimes it's better to recover quickly than try and make the usual thing work. From there, it was a very long afternoon of sitting and waiting for things to happen. When we eventually exited the building and headed home, I had once again set myself into "way too hungry mode" and we stopped at McDonald's to grab some to go food. A fried fish sandwich and some chicken nuggets were not the greatest end to a recovery day, but at least I didn't drink much of the root beer that my sad butt ordered.

Anyways, despite the best intentions of the weekend, I have to chalk this one up to a failure. I know how to plan better and how to make things work better for the next round, which funny enough will be this Saturday at another competition, but at least this is only one day. So, to cap off week number 4, I'm up 3.8 pounds to 299. I'm climbing back in to this full steam today with a calorie cut breakfast and lunch. Dinner should be interesting since I may be manning a girl scout cookie booth tonight, but we will see! 

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