Monday, March 19, 2018

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100 - Week 6


Well another week, another positive step in the journey. This week definitely started off with a bang, with a huge drop, then a disaster struck... But, let's not get too crazy with the negative talk before I start highlighting the week that was. First off, I was coming off a very rough weekend last weekend where the scale got way too close to 300 pounds for the first time in a while. My weigh-in came in at 297.6 pounds or a very small loss based off the prior week. Still, when it comes to a big task like this, even little losses are good losses.

Like I said, my week began at 297.6 pounds. It was good to see an official week under the 300 pound mark. The 13th showed a modest drop to 294.6, which was to be expected after the gain that I had over the weekend. Salt weight usually kills me when we eat out too much or we do something crazy like a dance weekend. Knowing that though, seeing a 3 pound drop on day one wasn't shocking to me. What did shock me was another 4 pound drop on the 14th. Then another... Wait, a steady 286.4 pounds weight in, which was strange. Then it went up and up, and up...

It was at this point that I realized something wasn't right. It was taking between 6 and 10 weigh-ins to get three identical results. I picked up the scale to see if there was anything wrong with it, and that's when one of the magnetic feet fell out and I realized that it probably wasn't reading right. So, off to Target for a new scale on Saturday.

We got the new scale and my first weigh in with it was Sunday. A nice solid 290.8 to start the new scale off was a good number to see. A bit depressing based off the fact that I had cleared 285 on the busted scale last week, but it's a new starting point. Today, for my official week 6 weigh-in, I came in at 291.2. That leaves me down 6.4 pounds for the week with the scale swap over complete. It was also taco night last night, so I have a feeling that some of that salt weight will peel right off this today as I intake enough water to drain it back out of my system.

So, new scale is in, weigh-ins are done for the week and I am sitting at a loss of 6.4 pounds for the week. All in all, that's a pretty good thing. I have to count this week as a bit of a blow off as I had some huge numbers early on, but I think those were due to a malfunction rather than an actual loss. Overall, I'm down 33.8 pounds so far and almost at 35% of my goal. I'll be hitting it hard again this week trying to get down to that 35 pound mark for next week. Seeing a weight under 290 will be nice (and official) this week.

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