Monday, February 26, 2018

Golf Fitness: Journey To 100–Week 3


Ack! How the time gets away from me on Monday's! I can't believe that it's already the end of week three and I'm already a few days into week 4. Still, I must give my weekly update (based on Monday which is when I changed the posting date to) to keep myself on track here. Plus, I'm really enjoying sharing the success I'm having, even if it's starting to slow down. Let me just get straight to the point though.

Week two ended with me coming in at 297.6. That was a total loss of 26.4 pounds since the journey began. I stuck to things pretty well this week as well, and reached a low of 292.6 before creeping back up to 295.2. There were a few meals out last week that were unplanned and that led to an up and down week. I also think my scale has a pretty serious issue going on, so I'm about to get a new one and 'calibrate' my loss to that one to see if it starts to make a difference. The one I am using now used to have the same measurement constantly. I could get on it 5 times and see a .2 pound difference over the 5 weigh in's. Now, I can get on it 5 times and see a 5-6 pound swing pretty easily. I hoped it was the batteries going, but that didn't seem to help. 

So, to wrap up week number 3, I ended up being down another 2.4 pounds. That brings me to 28.8 pounds total and making good headway to 100. I should hit 294 this week and clear the 30 pound mark and be good to go from there. We will see what the new scale says when I get it, and I need to make sure to keep the water intake up and the calorie intake down. I also need to watch the sodium levels of what I eat as the two days where I had some “out foods” I did just fine on the calories, but really terrible on the sodium levels. I guess I have to live and learn on this one. Also, I need to get going on that exercise bike. It’s time to start putting in a bit more effort on dropping this stuff before it becomes stubborn.

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