Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Golf Fitness: The Journey To 100 - The Reboot - Week 3


What a week it has been. I was barely able to keep life functioning this week as it was a very rough one for our family. I won't go too far into the personal stuff, but let's just say it was a trying week at best. That said, I came into the week at an even 300 pounds. I so wanted to clear that magical hurdle last week, but I knew with a bit more effort, I would easily make it this week. Unfortunately, that effort was tested over the Friday to Tuesday run, but somehow I still managed to drop some weight this week. As of today, I hit the scales at 296.8. That's a loss of 3.2 pounds and a pretty remarkable loss given the week that was.


I continued to stick to the program with an average daily intake of about 1560 calories and nailing my numbers with a higher fat and lower carbohydrate diet. My fat content was up to 70% last week and my carbs were only at 4%. Overall, for having to depend on so many on the road meals, it was a fantastic week. My go to meal has become the burger patty - with some sort of cheese and bacon where available. It's a solid fat/protein filler that seems to stick with me for a long time. Someone asked me about the side effects of more cholesterol and sodium, but honestly, without the fried foods like french fries and tater tots, I think this may be healthier than the other options.

Well, that's about the wrap for week 3 on this reboot. So far I'm down 21.4 pounds and ready to keep marching. I'm right on pace for a pound a day this first month, which would be amazing to accomplish. The other part of this plan that has me excited is the fact that I'm not dieting. I'm eating great food, with great flavors and not watching calories as much as I just eliminated the extra carbs from what I eat. I'm still new to this whole "Keto" thing, and I'm sure I still have more to learn, but for now, cutting out those useless carbs is working for me and I'll keep plugging away. Until next week, have a great one!

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