Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Golf Fitness: The Journey To 100–The Reboot–Week 1


Well, as fast as I restarted this journey, the first week is already done. The reboot began with me creeping back up towards the 320 pound mark with a weigh in of 318.2. This was up from my low in June (about 30 pounds back on since week 16 of the first go round.) The gain is really what snapped me back in to realizing that I was letting myself down, as well as anyone that was following this strange journey. I stopped blogging about it in mid-May. Then I missed the entire month of June, except for a few mini-posts about this and that. July came and went… Not only was golfing not on my mind, but writing wasn’t either. I kept making plans to switch this to a “video style” channel on YouTube, but frankly, I doubt I could produce videos well enough for people to watch. While IGTV or Periscope could be good options for quick posts, I just don’t know what direction to take going forward. Anyway, that’s a story for another time. This week, it’s all about how much of me disappeared – again….

As I said, I started out the week at 318.2. As of my weigh in to finish Week #1, I am officially down 11.8 pounds. Target achieved.


Now, how is this being done? Well, this is a flip of everything that I know and love in dieting as I am trying to do the Ketogenic Diet for the first time ever. It’s a pretty strict high fat/low carb diet that seems, despite all my backwards thinking, to work really well. Now, I’m just a week into this, so let’s see how it goes, but so far, so good. Eating different foods than I have before has been very strange so far. I mean, no croutons on my salads, but pork rinds are ok? Don’t use a low fat dressing, but instead use things like sour cream and heavy cream? This is all foreign to me, but so far, like I sad, it seems to be working wonders. Hopefully I can sneak out for a practice session soon and maybe even a round of golf. I know it’s been a long hard summer, but I’ll be back with some more budget friendly golf tips before you know it. See you in week 2!

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