Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Golf Fitness: The Journey To 100–The Reboot-Week 2


Last Wednesday, I as a few days in to my Ketogenic Diet and managed to knock myself down to a crazy 306.4 pounds. This week, as predicted, things slowed a bit and currently I’m down 6 pounds to 300 even. I’m still finding that this works a bit strange. I mean, bacon and eggs for breakfast followed by a hamburger patty with cheese for lunch? It doesn’t seem like a normal diet at all. That said, It really is working as my calories have really limited themselves by eating less fillers and more proteins. My daily average intake was about 1425 calories, about 65% of which was fats. The amazing part, I cut my carb intake down to about 6%. Now my macro program run “Monday through Sunday” so sometimes when I talk about the past week on Wednesday, it won’t actually be the past week’s food. It will be that time frame that ended on Sunday. I will keep my official weigh-ins to Wednesday though to make it easier to track.


Enough about the inner workings of how I’m doing things. Let’s get back to the actual progress and how it’s moving along. As I said, this week, I’m down another 6.4 pounds. That takes me to a total of 18.2 for the two weeks I’ve been on Keto. Not a bad start by any means, but it’s time to keep the momentum moving forward and get below the 300 mark again. As for how this is getting done, Above is another typical meal for me. I’ve eliminated just about anything “boxed carbs” and gone to straight fats and proteins. Again, it’s different than anything I’ve ever tried before, but it seems to be working. My one concern, well maybe two, is that it looks like my diet could be a bit high in cholesterol and sodium, so I’m watching that intake, but not worrying about it yet.

I can’t believe how well this bout is going after two weeks. My hunger is completely gone between meals. There’s no late night snacking. Even staying up really late on Saturday night, I didn’t feel the urge to have a sweet treat late in the evening. Heck, I even survived my birthday without gaining anything. It’s been a great start to the month, now it’s just time to keep it up. Last night we took a nice jaunt over to the mall to return a duplicate birthday gift for the kiddo, but more important for me, get a nice long walk in. I’ve struggled getting the steps in that I wanted over the first two weeks. 3000 steps doesn’t seem like much, but if you are trapped at a desk all day, getting them in can be rough. Thursday, I did well with 5077 and followed that up with 4701 on Friday. Saturday was a sloth day for me, we watched movies and relaxed (plus, I’m not sure I had my watch on for most of the day to count them) and it was a dismal 335 steps. Sunday was back up to 2303 as we road tripped so there wasn’t much walking to do. Monday I was back over my goal at 3146 and Tuesday the mall walk got me over 7000. It was a good week overall with a total of 22565 steps or an average of 3223 per day. Not exactly what I was going for, but it will work.

So, on to week three and to see if I can keep this pace going!

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